Get To Know Me

Luciana is a Yoga teacher and student & massage therapist in Paris.

She teaches: Hatha & Vinyasa inspired; Yang & yin; Aerial; Pre natal; Flex & Mobility; Meditation & Pranayama; Kids Yoga;

Luciana, who is originally from Rio de Janeiro, is a Yoga student after 2014, she left her office life, corporate world to be dedicated to her passion : Wellness and holistic mental health services.

Luciana began her journey in Yoga, in search of harmony with herself, she sought to improve her insomnia, hyperactivity, anxiety and a little mental balance and a lighter life, with less stress (or at least wisdom to control it all); and evidently she fell in love with the practice of asanas, seeking to delve deeper into the teachings of the foundation of yoga and its philosophy, since then, there has been a lot of practice and studies. She decided to train in the area, to share well-being with people, and help them seek self-realization and confidence through practice, bringing freedom of movement and creative transitions in her classes.

Her passion for well-being came from just one desire, to her profession, deciding to take her first training in 2020,  She’s got certified in Hatha & Kundalini Yoga, from the Samadhi Yoga Ashram school in Rishikesh; Pre & Post Christmas at Centro Sivananda; Trapeze and aerial Yoga at Chita Studio, and her last training is Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga at the Vydia Yoga Mandiram school; Luciana also has some certifications in different massage techniques, training carried out in Brazil, USA, Canada and France.

Her classes are created in order to work on release certain difficulties, emotions and energies that are often blocked by our tricky mind, so that we can develop understanding and appreciation of the innate magic of our body.

Classes with freedom of movement combined with breath and embodied self-awareness invites people to reach their full potential. She is passionate about exploring modern movement, mobility, combined to presence, breathing and connection to our whole being. This enriches our yoga practice and our awareness of movement, on and off the mat.

What to expect in this classes: Mobility, stability, strengthening, flexibility, modern Yoga asanas combined with somatic moves and breathwork;

Classes with Luciana are full of Indian influences and traditions, as she was inspired by her trips to India.  Chants and mantras are part of her rituals to infuse you with good energies and to help you anchor your mind.

“Yoga is so many things and also a journey in itself; it allows you to know yourself better, to strengthen yourself, to improve your awareness of what is happening inside and outside you, to be present, to live well collectively, to respect yourself and others”.

Massage training: Brasil, EUA, Canada, France; Lymphatic drainage / remodeling/ anti-cellulite training: Martine de Richeville 2020, L’atelier du palper rouler 2021, Thalita Shaping beauty 2021.

After seeing results with different methods, Luciana developed her own method that aims to improve blood circulation, cellulite,  relaxation, bloating in the body

Hari Aum
